The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
Albert Einstein
Cycle A Curriculum overview Y12.pdf
Cycle A Curriculum overview Y34.pdf
Cycle A Curriculum overview Y56.pdf
Cycle B Curriculum overview Y12.pdf
Cycle B Curriculum Overview Y34.pdf
Cycle B Curriculum overview Y56.pdf
There are many opportunities for children to gain cultural capital in science at Etwall Primary School, for example:
'No Electricity Day' in Year 3/4.
Snap Circuits as part of Electricity unit
School grounds (forest area) used to explore the natural environment.
First Aid after school club which was made available for KS2 children for 8 weeks.
Famous scientists used as a stimuli for writing in English lessons and as part of our assemblies.
See below for our British Science Week assembly, looking at how science impacts our lives every day and how scientists all started by being curious - one of our school values.
Using the school grounds to explore about nature.
Using a range of texts to promote reading enabling children to develop scientific vocabulary.
- the essential facts about the topic
- key vocabulary with meanings
- labelled diagrams