15th January 2025 is the deadline for applying for a Reception place for September 2025. Please ensure that your applications are submitted on time as late applications will only be considered after the national offer day in April.

Staying Safe - Links for Parents

Below are a number of documents and links that we, as a safeguarding team, think you may find useful.
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre work to protect children online. They have a reporting button for children and parents to use if necessary. It is important that we all know how to report something online; our KS2 children have been made aware of this button. Click on the button to learn more about CEOP and find out how to report someone online.
Prevent and Radicalisation
The Prevent Agenda was set up in 2006 by the Labour government as part of the wider counter-terrorism strategy called CONTEST. It is a UK-wide strategy that aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. The strategy’s three objectives are: To challenge the ideology that supports terrorism. To protect vulnerable people. To support sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation.
Private Fostering
Private fostering is when a child under the age of 16 (or 18 if disabled) is looked after for 28 days or more by someone who is not their parent or a relative, and the arrangement was made privately.
Online Safety
Your children are online at school, at home and with their friends. Laptops, smartphones, tablets gaming consoles and media players mean they can use the internet wherever they go.
Whenever they are online they are at risk from unsuitable content, accidentally disclosing their personal data, illegal downloads, file sharing, spyware, viruses, inappropriate advances and cyber bullying.
Children are learning to navigate the world. They tend to be enthusiastic and trusting. The flip side of these wonderful qualities is that they can lack caution and the ability to discern when they might be at risk. When we meet people face to face, they give us multiple cues that help us understand whether their intentions are good or unpleasant. The internet masks these signals and it’s far more difficult to tell whether a person you meet online really is who they say they are.  So it’s vital that you teach your children how to use the internet safely
School Policies
At Etwall Primary School we hold safeguarding in the highest regard. You can find these under Key Information and policies.