Speaking and Listening
At Etwall, we use talk partners in every subject, ensuring we can voice our ideas and discuss them with others. We see this as a crucial part of the learning process, and we develop and challenge each other through talk and listening.
By providing modelled talk and sentence stems, word banks and visual aids, we can ensure that the speaking and listening taking place is of high quality and ensures progression.
Establishing and developing language verbally is crucial in developing reading and writing skills, as a child cannot write a sentence that they cannot say aloud first.
Take a look at this brilliant website to see how you could support your child in developing their language skills for learning:
At Etwall Primary, reading is really important to us.
Please look at our reading strategy to see how we ensure all children flourish as readers.
Please also look at our reading spines for the wide range of books we consider the minimum each child will be exposed to throughout their time at Etwall Primary School.
Not sure what to read?
Take a look at the website below to explore some super options!
Throughout the school, we use the Pathways to Write and Pathways to Poetry programmes for teaching writing. We use the high quality texts to ensure we are teaching engaging, purposeful and challenging writing lessons. The units of work develop vocabulary, reading and writing through a mastery approach.
In addition to these writing lessons, in KS2, we teach 3 twenty minute spelling lessons a week, where a rule is looked at associated with their new spellings. We use Spelling Shed to support our spelling lessons.
In addition, we are using letter join to support the teaching of handwriting across the school.
Cultural capital
Through the provision of opportunities, we will immerse learners in experiences which inspire and develop their reading and writing skills.
Such experiences will be:
- Author visits
- Reading Ambassadors
- Writing letters and getting real -life responses
- Theatre visits
- Drama productions
- World Book Day
- Film Day dress up
- Using varied stimuli to inspire writing, including film
- Reading for Pleasure dedicated time every day
- Huge investment in great quality texts through consultation with Chestnut Books
- Experiences to inspire e.g. Forest School; Residential; Trip to the Open Centre
- Audiobooks and varied options for accessing texts
- Letter-join for handwriting skill development
Please see below for examples of the impact of the English Curriculum at Etwall Primary School.
See below for some lovely examples of KS1 writing
Below you will see some children performing in front of their class - we love showing off what we can do, as well as learning from each other!