Reception 2025 Stay and Play Session and School Tours - Friday 25th October. This is an inset day for the rest of the school but please do come along and meet the team if your child is due to start Reception in September 2025.

The Derbyshire Local Offer

The Local Offer
The Derbyshire local offer is an information, support and advice service for children and young people aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).
It also includes information for parents and carers as well as practitioners and professionals. The local offer provides information on:
  • how children and young peoples' needs are identified;
  • how their needs are assessed;
  • the special educational, health and social care provision;
  • opportunities for training and employment;
  • support for independent living;
  • how provision is funded;
  • leisure activities and support groups;
  • where you can find more information, advice and support;
  • arrangements for travel to and from school and other settings;
  • the help available to resolve disagreements.
It provides clear, complete, and up-to-date information about the available provision and how to access it.
The Local Offer for EYFS
The Local Offer for KS1 and KS2