15th January 2025 is the deadline for applying for a Reception place for September 2025. Please ensure that your applications are submitted on time as late applications will only be considered after the national offer day in April.

British Values

British Values
It is a statutory requirement of schools to promote British values. So what are British values? According to Ofsted, fundamental British values are: democracy; the rule of law; individual liberty; mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith. However, long before the government asked all British schools to teach fundamental British values, Etwall Primary School had been promoting these values through our own values, curriculum and enrichment. Examples of this include: school council, digital leaders, eco-council, assemblies, high expectations of behaviour, citizenship, PSHE lessons, anti-bullying work, online safety work, stars of the week,  mini leaders, lunch time helpers, marking and celebrating key religious festivals and opportunities to visit places of worship.  Our fortnightly Picture News assemblies remind children of the British Values and help put them into context as topical items are discussed.  
We will continue to keep you updated on our work and endeavour to develop our children into responsible and respectful individuals.
The Department for Education stresses the need to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of:
  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual Respect
  • Tolerance of Those of Different Faiths & Beliefs
We have a school council which meets at least twice every term. Children vote for 2 children to represent each class.
Our Governing Body is comprised of elected representatives from the staff, parents, local authority and community; they meet approximately monthly with the headteacher.
We actively invite parents and carers for their views throughout the year. The headteacher is available at the gate at the start of the school day and leaves time free at the beginning and end of each day for parents.  Questionnaires are distributed to parents and carers at our biannual Parents' Evenings and pupils are asked to complete questionnaires. A summary of the findings and resulting actions are publicised in school.
Rule of Law
Before starting school, children, parents and the headteacher are introduced to the Etwall school rules. School rules are revisited regularly with the children and, at the start of each academic year, children agree on class expectations with their teacher in line with these rules.
Lunchtime Supervisors promote our three school rules for fair and happy playtimes.
Visits from the local fire service and our Police Community Support Officer reinforce the need for laws and how they protect the community.
Through PSHE and RE lessons, children are used to discussing laws/rules and their application.  Children know that they have rights to be safe, to be respected and to learn and that, with those rights, comes responsibility.  
Individual Liberty
We aim to provide a supportive environment within which children and staff can make informed choices and voice their opinions. We have a Worry Box in each classroom if children need to voice any concerns. At playtimes children are free to choose playground games and activities. We teach children about their personal rights and freedoms and how to be safe in collective worship, PSHCE and Online Safety sessions.
Mutual Respect
Our children know the importance of respect and actively demonstrate this through respecting those around them and sensitively responding to events around the world. Through PSHE and other activities, we further develop the skills of a good citizen, recognising that our children need to be prepared for the modern Britain in which we live. Children learn about specific British celebrations, events and commemorations through history topics and Collective Worship. For example, children's work was displayed in the local church to commemorate WW1; Remembrance Day 1 minute silence is observed every year. The village of Etwall is a patriotic village. 
Respect is a fundamental school value and rule that is discussed in depth, starting with self-respect and respect for others, and covering respect for the world and its people and the environment. 
Children's behaviour demonstrates their good understanding of this value and school rule in action. 
Tolerance of Those of Different Faiths & Beliefs
Our assemblies and PSHE lessons reinforce messages of tolerance and respect for others. We mark key celebrations from different faiths in assemblies, which are then often followed up in class. Children visit the Open Centre in Derby to learn about the Sikh, Islam and Hindu faiths.We have good links with St Helen's church and Reverend Stella and Rachel come into school on a termly basis for assemblies.  
Prevent Agenda
There is no place for extremist views of any kind in our school, whether from internal sources (pupils, staff, governors etc) or external sources (visitors, school communities, external agencies).  As part of our commitment to this agenda we ensure that staff and governors undertake the online training on Channel General Awareness and Prevent Duty.  
Any prejudice, discrimination or extremist views, including derogatory language, displayed by pupils, staff, visitors or parents will always be challenged and, where appropriate, action taken. 
We ensure that partisan political views are not promoted in the teaching of any subject and, where political issues are discussed, reasonably practical steps are taken to offer a balanced presentation of opposing views to pupils.