15th January 2025 is the deadline for applying for a Reception place for September 2025. Please ensure that your applications are submitted on time as late applications will only be considered after the national offer day in April.


"Fitness is not about being better than someone else. It’s about being better than you used to be."
- Khloe Kardashian
"I got a lot of the greatest values in life from playing sports, from playing football - teamwork, sportsmanship, my work ethic, resiliency, dedication - I got it all by being on a team."
- Jon Gruden
Key Documents
Cultural Capital
Through PE at Etwall Primary, we focus on the physical development aspect of cultural capital.  We aim to develop this in a number of ways, including:
  • Our Physical Education curriculum;
  • Our Healthy Eating policies and catering provision;
  • The Health Education dimension of our PSHCE programme, including strands on drugs, smoking and alcohol;
  • Our provision of the Key Stage 2 Five60 programme to increase levels of activity and promote healthy eating, in partnership with the South Derbyshire Active Sports Partnership
  • Our extra-curricular programme related to sports and well-being, developed in tandem with external providers, such as Soccerstars and Progressive Sports;
  • Our celebration of sporting achievement including personal fitness and competitive sport;
  • Our Bikeability (for UKS2) and Balanceability (for EYFS) training, provided through the South Derbyshire Active Sports Partnership;
  • Our activity provision available for unstructured times such as lunch and break times;
  • Our residential visits in both Lower and Upper Key Stage 2;
  • Our curricular programme related to food preparation and nutrition;
  • Our promotion of walking or cycling to school through events such as Walk to School Week;
  • Our school accessibility plan;
  • The opportunity for pupils to try a range of sports in addition to our existing PE provision, such as cricket (in partnership with Chance to Shine and Derbyshire County Cricket Club), gaelic football (in partnership with Warwickshire GAA) and rugby (in partnership with Melbourne RFC) 
  • Our commitment to competitive sport in partnership with South Derbyshire Active Sports Partnership
  • Our provision of play leaders at lunchtimes to provide more structured play opportunities for younger pupils
The impact of our curriculum can partly be seen in the wonderful photos of our PE below.
KS1 Sports Day 2022
LKS2 Sports Day 2022
UKS2 Sports Day 2022
If you wish to know anymore about the PE curriculum, please email enquiries@etwall.derbyshire.sch.uk.