
School Uniform

School Uniform

We work with several local suppliers to provide school uniform with our logos on. 

Whilst this is not essential (non-branded items from Asda, Sainsburys and Tesco are perfectly acceptable), the links below will point you in the right direction should you wish to make a purchase.


Please note that we do not require any branded items of clothing and logos are not essential on any items.  However, we do expect all children to follow our uniform policy and wear the stated colours below.  This applies to active wear as well as formal school uniform.  Our main school uniform colour is Royal Blue and items can easily be found in most high street and online shops.   

Our school uniform is as follows:

Branded Items

  • Royal blue for jumpers, cardigans, PE hoodies and sweatshirts (school logo preferred but optional)

Unbranded Items

  • White polo shirts (unbranded)
  • Black/grey skirt (knee length) and trousers (not leggings or dark jeans)
  • Black/grey/white socks or black/grey tights
  • Royal blue school fleeces or reversible jackets (optional)
  • Blue and white dresses and black/grey shorts may be preferred in hot weather


  • Footwear is a closed toe black school shoe with low heels, which allow children to play actively (i.e. not slip-on styles or open toes). 
  • Boots deemed appropriate by school may be worn  – not suede, inappropriate lace ups, UGG style or knee length (these are not suitable for sitting on carpet or on the hall floor as children cannot comfortably sit cross legged)
  • Sandals may be worn in very hot weather but open toe sandals are not recommended for health and safety reasons.  Children wearing open-toe sandals are at risk of injury to the toes during playtimes and in the classroom. 


PE/Active Wear (should be worn all day on PE days)

  • white T-shirt
  • navy blue or black shorts/joggers/leggings
  • a royal blue sweatshirt/hoodie/fleece/cardigan for colder days
  • sturdy trainers

Swimming (only required when notified by class teacher that swimming lessons will be taking place)

  • Trunks (close fitting in order to support best technique for swimming)


  • Costume (one piece, not a bikini or tankini)
  • Towel
  • Cap – any colour

Outer Wear

Although school branded coats are available, there is no expectation that children will wear these.  We do ask that children have fully waterproof coats, especially in the colder months, as children will go outside in all sorts of weathers.     


EYFS and KS1

For children in EYFS and KS1, a book bag is required with the school logo being optional. 

A drawstring bag is recommended in EYFS for spare clothes in case of accidents.  This can be left on the school peg to be returned for freshening up at the end of each term if required. 

In KS1, children are asked not to bring school bags.  Instead, all they require is their book bag and their lunch box.  This is due to the small size of the cloakrooms in the classrooms where larger bags cannot be accommodated.  If a bag is needed, a small drawstring bag is suggested as these hang easily on the peg and take up less room. 


As children do not need to bring PE kit into school, children need only a small bag to bring to school each day.  This may contain their lunchbox, pencil case and any other personal items that might be needed for the day. 


All children are expected to have their hair tidy and longer styles must be fully tied back.  Hair should not cover the face, impede a child’s vision (both when looking at the board or when leaning over their work) or provide a health and safety risk (such as when using tools in Design Technology).

Extreme hairstyles, such as mohawks or brightly coloured hair, are inappropriate for school and every effort must be made to avoid these styles or to make them more appropriate during school hours.

Etwall Primary School reserves the right to make a judgement on the suitability or unsuitability of pupils’ hair and appearance and staff will discuss this individually with pupils in Y5 and Y6 as well as with their parents and carers.  For younger pupils, discussions will be had with parents and carers only.  Individual circumstances will always be taken into consideration.


Unless worn for religious or cultural reasons, with the exception of stud earrings, we do not allow the wearing of jewellery (rings, bracelets, necklaces etc) for school, although a watch can be worn when not participating in PE lessons.  The class-teacher will arrange where any items are to be placed once removed, however school will not accept responsibility for their loss, or damage. 

Small studs can be worn in the ears.  Hoops should not be worn for safety reasons.   However, any child with pierced ears must remove their studs for PE and swimming lessons.  For this reason, we recommend piercing is done during the summer holidays to avoid the need to remove studs from newly pierced ears.

For recently pierced ears, plastic retainers can be worn during the school day as we recognise that many children are unable to remove and replace earrings themselves for the PE lesson.  These retainers pose less of a safety risk than metal stud earrings. 

For those pupils that cannot remove their earrings and cannot wear plastic retainer earrings, appropriate PE activities will be provided and they should join in with all activities that are low risk.  For example, children can join in by helping groups of children to plan a sequence in gymnastics but cannot complete the practical activity itself. 


Etwall Primary School does not consider make-up appropriate for primary aged pupils; however, there may be exceptions in extreme circumstances, at the headteacher’s discretion (i.e. a pupil may be permitted to cover heavy scarring/skin damage).  

Nail varnish is not permitted for our pupils and parents will be asked to remove it for the following school day in accordance with this policy.

Religious clothing
Some religions and beliefs require their members to conform to a specific dress code. Etwall Primary School does not discriminate against any religion or belief; however, the school must weigh the needs and rights of individual pupils against the cohesion and health and safety concerns of the entire school community. The school endeavours to allow most religious requirements to be met.

September 2022 onwards
We are pleased to inform parents that members of our PTA are going to be running pre-loved uniform shops on Fridays from September onwards.  Further details will be shared once term is underway.  
Watch this space!