
Home Page

Dear parents and carers,
Firstly, we would like to thank you for choosing Etwall Primary School as the next step for your child's educational journey.   If your child has been allocated a place, we look forward to welcoming you to our school family. 
Within this section of the website, you will find information relevant to your child's admission. However, if you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
For parents who have a child starting Reception in September 2024, below is our induction timeline to give you an indication of the transition and admission arrangements.  
Induction Timetable for 2024
17th April 2024 - List of children allocated to Etwall Primary is released and processed
22nd April - A welcome letter will be sent to all families.  Please click on the link to complete your details in Arbor, our pupil management information system.
1st May onwards - Visits to pre-school settings by Etwall staff
Class Dojo accounts will then be set up for our new families.  Class Dojo is a great way of communicating between home and school and new information will be posted regularly!
2nd July and 3rd July - Induction sessions for children and welcome meetings for parents/carers.  This includes a stay and play visit with a parent and an introduction to Mouse Club. 
Your child will be invited to a 2 hour session which a parent/carer will attend alongside them, following a short meeting in the hall with the headteacher and EYFS lead.  
2nd September - Inset Day (No children)
3rd/4th/5th/6th September - Home visits - children not in school on these days. 
9th September - Most Reception children in for full days from this day onwards.  Please note that if your child might benefit from a longer transition session or some half-days, this can be discussed with the EYFS team.